Appearance #
Dixima has the appearance of a typical Elestian with pink eyes and horns which curve inwards and straight upwards. They typically wear a pink dress with a small levitating white ring around their neck.
Personality #
Dixima takes the role of caretaker for the Poseans often teaching them morals and therapeutic tricks through games. In times of strife they keep a level head and remain kind and considerate.
History #
Dixima was first introduced during a game that involved seeking out glowing pylons, which sent the Poseans who touched them into a dream-like state where their concerns about their nightmares could be tended to. This trend of using games to teach the Poseans important lessons continues during a time skip and isn’t mentioned in the plot until Lopa takes advantage of such an event to burn down the townhall. Dixima puts all the panicking Poseans to sleep and has their guardians remove them so the burnt hall can collapse safely.
All of their page appearances can be found here.
Relationships #
Its uncertain whether Dixima is responsible for any one particular Posean as their last names are seldom mentioned, but they have a friendly demeanor towards most Poseans.